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Resolutions on How to Get Pregnant with a Boy
Some couples desire to have a girl; nevertheless, some prefer learning how to get pregnant with a boy. A lot of women are confronted with challenges to conceive a male baby. They seek the help of medical specialists in the field and continue to try conceiving one but have remained unsuccessful. For couples wanting to get pregnant with a boy, there are numerous ways available that may be considered to achieve that goal. It does not have to cost as expensive as going into a fertility clinic endlessly. With the couple’s faith and unceasing attempts to follow effective tips on how to conceive a boy, anything is possible.
Diet modification
It is imperative to learn of the rationale behind diets to determine the gender of a baby. Majority of preconceived gender diets assert that modifying the pH levels of the body can be done by consuming certain types of food and drinks. This can make the female reproductive tract a more tolerable environment for the Y-chromosome carrying sperm.
Foods to avoid and eat resolving concern on how to get pregnant with a boy
It is important to steer clear of acidic foods to conceive a baby boy. Compared to the X-sperm, the Y-sperm can only survive longer in a more alkaline environment. Foods high in acidity may change the environment of the cervical tract.
Consume red meat, fish, egg, mushroom, peas, sweet corn, zucchini, bread, raisins and other salty foods for a few weeks prior to conceiving. These are the foods that can increase chances of getting pregnant with a boy. They create a more alkaline environment in the cervical tract.
Consume more energy-giving foods
All through the day, the woman who desires to get pregnant should not skip meals. She must have increased glucose levels and higher energy consumption by increasing intake of calories and having regular breakfast meals. These should be enough to increase the woman’s energy levels that can last the entire day in order to conceive a male offspring.
According to a British study, women who conceived a male offspring have consumed increased quantities and more nutrients prior to pregnancy. The type of nutrients needed to maintain the health and wellbeing of a mother include calcium, potassium, vitamins B12, C, D, and E. The women were also reported to have maintained their intake of breakfast cereals during pre-natal period up until the time they have delivered their babies.
Some additional tips on how to get pregnant with a boy
To have a better chance in conceiving a boy, the male partner should consider wearing more loose-fitting undergarment and jeans. He should also avoid having hot baths and going to saunas. Apparently, heat has been found to reduce sperm count.
An effective genetic selection procedure is in vitro fertilization procedure. However, couples may opt for the more natural methods since this type of procedure can be very costly at the same time, outcomes are not one hundred percent guaranteed. Moral considerations are strong hindrances for some physicians not to engage in testing the sex of the embryo prior to insemination.

Different Ways on How to Make a Baby Boy
Some couples prefer to learn how to make a baby boy for their first-born. A lot of physicians and fertility specialists assert that it is improbable to influence the gender of a couple’s baby. Nevertheless, there have been definitely astounding subjective evidences which demonstrate otherwise. There are people who totally believe they were able to make it possible to conceive a baby boy merely by adhering to particular methods, modifying their nutritional regimen, making use of different positions during intercourse, or taking in certain blend of drinks. The medical field may not completely approve of these notions because they are lacking when it comes to substantial reports. But to some people who have been too distressed because they have a gender preference may be willing to try some of these techniques.
Calendar that can predict a baby’s gender
This method with ninety-nine percent accuracy is based on the Chinese Gender Calendar. The gender of the baby is known through the age of the mother and the month she had conceived. It is such a very old method that its background and history are vague but it is easy to use.
To determine the gender prediction, locate the lunar age of the mother at the time of conception and the month of conception on the chart. Follow the row and column towards the point where the two intersect. The color of the box is either blue or pink which provides the answer to the gender of the baby.
The Shettles Method on how to make a baby boy
In this method, the woman can know her ovulation. She is tasked to use the basal body temperature to determine her menstrual cycle and chart for a few months. The man is required not to engage in ejaculation four to five days prior ovulation.

These issues are vital in order to accurately time sexual activity twelve hours before the woman’s ovulation. In addition, the couple has to engage in positions to situate the sperm nearest to the cervix. The woman has to reach orgasm to facilitate movement of the sperm in the direction of the egg.

Ericsson Albumin method
It is known that the X-chromosome carrying sperm is more sluggish than the Y-chromosome carrying sperm. In this method, the sperm are placed on a test tube over thick piles of albumin. The sperm then swims downward into the layers of albumin. After sometime, the sperm are isolated into two groups.
The two groups of sperm are divided into slower swimmers and faster swimmers. If the couple desires how to make a baby boy, the faster swimmers are inseminated artificially. If the desired gender is a female, the slower swimmers are chosen.
It is important to note that both parents equally contribute to the genes of their offspring. The mother is an XX by genetic considerations and can only provide X-chromosomes to the baby. The father is an XY which implies he can contribute either an X-chromosome or a Y-chromosome; therefore, he carries the deciding factor of the baby’s gender.

Modifying Your Diet to Conceive a Boy
It is important to learn about the fertilization process in order to determine the right type of diet to conceive a boy. When the sperm and egg unite, the interaction of the X-chromosomes from the female egg and the Y-chromosomes from the male sperm begins to occur. The Y-chromosome carrying sperm may move faster than the other but it is generally less resilient in dealing with the acidic environment of the woman’s reproductive system. Therefore, it can be assumed that modifying one’s diet by consuming food with higher alkaline content can increase the chances of a couple to have a male offspring.
Sorting food groups
Since Y-chromosomes are developed on more delicate conditions because of existing acidity of the female reproductive environment, it is imperative that the woman who wants to have a male offspring modify her pH levels. It has to be controlled to prepare a more appropriate condition to conceive a baby boy. This is done by modifying one’s diet high in alkaline content to moderate acidity and allow the Y-chromosome to successfully develop.
As the pH level becomes acceptable, the mother’s diet to increase chances of conceiving a boy can begin. This should be accompanied by consumption of foods with higher concentration of calcium and potassium. She needs to take mineral supplements as well.
Consumption of these foods determines the baby’s gender
• High-calorie foods. According to a British study, out of 740 women56% who were on high calorie diet were able to conceive male babies while only 45% of those consuming low calorie diet conceived baby boys. They concluded that women who are pregnant have to increase their regular intake by 400 calories at the least in order to conceive boys.
• Cereals for breakfast. This is to make sure that there are adequate levels of glucose in the body. When the body system perceives the woman planning to get pregnant does not receive adequate amounts of food and calories, according to the study this condition promotes development of a female embryo.
• Alkaline-rich foods. These are broccoli, cauliflower, watermelon, pumpkin, lemon, tomato, cabbage, and lettuce. These are the food varieties that can make the reproductive tract of the female body become less acidic. When this happens, the environment for Y-chromosome carrying sperm is more suitable for it to survive.
• Potassium-rich foods, vitamins (B12, C, and D), and salty foods are important in the diet to conceive a boy. Banana, avocado, artichoke, strawberry, apple as well as almond, fig, nuts, raisin and potato are rich in potassium and other nutrients.
• If necessary to consume meat products, red meat like steak is a better choice since it has high potassium content.
Avoid acidic foods and maintain a balanced diet
Avoid eating cold fruits. They are more beneficial when eaten at room temperature. Yogurt, legumes, and cheese are the types of food that promote conception of a female baby. These foods increase the pH levels of the female reproductive tract.
Aside from the females, the males also need to maintain a balanced diet. In addition to considering a diet to conceive a boy, antioxidants, folic acid, zinc sulfate, and selenium have shown efficacy in promoting optimal health and functioning of the sperm.

For Couples Desiring to Know How to Conceive a Baby Boy
It may take a medical expert and an array of scientific studies for couples to be ascertained how to conceive a baby boy. The interest of a lot of people has continued on for years whether the prospective parents can work on making certain they will have a male offspring. On the other hand, others have become reactive towards this idea. They opt to merely acknowledge things as they occur. They no longer focus on any chance of having a baby of their preferred gender as long as they are able to conceive one and deliver to this world a completely healthy baby.
Medical studies on how to conceive a baby boy
These days, there are different research studies that have been done for couples to have the capability to influence the gender of their baby. Outcomes of these studies have provided solutions to help prospective parents explore their capacity to make certain they will have a baby boy even before conception. Contemporary methods supported by science have developed ways to study the human sperm cell.
Science has been able to take apart the Y sperm and the X sperm. This process favors some couples’ preference to have either a male or female offspring. Apart from methods for getting pregnant through the help of science, there are also natural means that have been proven effective for couples to determine ways of conceiving a baby boy.
Proper timing of sexual contact
It has been found that the timing of sexual contact can immensely affect how to conceive a baby boy or girl. Research outcomes have indicated that the X sperm are larger and cannot move fast. The X sperm is responsible for producing a female baby and it can tolerate an acidic environment up to five days.
On the other hand, the Y sperm responsible for producing a male baby is leaner, less heavy, and hence, can swim faster. However, it can only survive less than twenty-four hours within an acidic environment. Based on these facts, it can be assumed that there is a huge chance that a couple can conceive a baby boy by having sexual contact twenty four hours before the moment a woman ovulates and not more than twelve hours after.
Frequency of sexual contact
Experts say sperm count is increased during the earlier part of the day. In terms of quality of the sperm, both lengthened abstinence and too much ejaculation have significant impact. Sexual contact every other day or three times a week can help to assure healthy sperm and favorable sperm count.
Bear in mind that if as a couple, it is both your desire to know the proper methods on how to conceive a baby boy, it is imperative that the man increase his sperm count. The more sperm count, the better are the chances of the sperm to reach and fertilize the egg. Following the processes of making a baby boy at the right time with the appropriate conditions, it can result to a very successful conception.

Tips for Couples on How to Conceive a Boy Naturally
A lot of couples these days would love to know the right methods on how to conceive a boy naturally. It certainly is more gratifying for future parents if they can be given an opportunity to decide on the gender of their baby. Sophisticated laboratory procedures may be helpful in allowing future parents to conceive a baby with their preferred gender; however, this type of procedure is very expensive. Not all couples have the means to pay for such medical intervention. In addition, it could be stressful for some couples lessening the joy and excitement in the process of getting pregnant.
Some tips on how to conceive a boy naturally
• There are types of food couples can eat regularly that can affect the baby’s gender
The Y chromosome of the male sperm provides the “zygote” or fertilized egg implanted in the female its male characteristic; thus, it helps to produce a baby boy. But the sperm is highly sensitive to ph levels like the acidic environment of the cervix. The cervix is the lower portion of the uterus where the sperm passes through to unite with the female egg. An alkaline environment is necessary for the Y sperm to survive long enough to fertilize the egg.
Medical specialists advise couples who have gender preference for their baby to plan a couple of months before scheduling their process of conceiving. This is enough time for the couple to adjust their nutritional regimen or daily diet that can help them to produce a male offspring. They should learn to avoid acidic foods like red meat. They need to focus their diet on foods with high alkaline content such as tofu, almonds, chestnuts, and fruits such as avocados, watermelons, apples, coconuts, pineapples, bananas, and blackberries. Vegetables are very important like broccoli, peas, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, cabbage, garlic, cucumber, and eggplant.
• Avoid smoking, consuming alcohol, tight jeans and undergarment, and spending time in environments with hot temperature.
The common notion that smoking can reduce the motility of the sperm may be debatable for others but the overall health of the person is certainly affected in the worst way. It is really important that a man who wants to have a baby boy take care of himself and be healthy. He can maintain and even improve his sperm count by avoiding masturbation, not wearing tight-fitting undergarment, and avoiding the saunas or long hot baths.
Alcohol that is constantly ingested obliterates the capacity of the testicle to produce sperm. It can also increase the levels of estrogen in the body which in turn can reduce sperm count. Moreover, too much alcohol can be toxic to the cells in the testicle that produce sperm and affect fertility.
Consult your physician and be advised on how to conceive a boy naturally
People who are anxious about their fertility and concerned about their sperm not being healthy should immediately seek medical advice. There are basic laboratory tests on semen. It is also vital to examine the general health of the person.